1. The shelter in Neenah, Wisconsin, was loaded with food, clothing, medical supplies, tools, flashlights and batteries.
  2. Pajiba: Sweetened by Mock, Lightened by Droll. Here's an alphabetical listing of all our Film: 'A Little Chaos' Review: Alan Rickman And Kate Winslet Reunite For A.
  3. The Second World War was a period of remarkable advances in technology and many new weapons were invented during this period, some of which entered production and.
  4. Directed by Hyung-rae Shim. With Jason Behr, Amanda Brooks, Robert Forster, Craig Robinson. Based on the Korean legend, unknown creatures will return and devastate.
  5. Full file at http:// 3. There is only one correct theoretical explanation for any particular.
  6. Beretta 92F - 9x19mm. The cosmetic differences are very slight and hard to see between this gun and the newer 92FS. Most of the changes are the inner workings of the gun.
  7. Giant Japanese monsters that assault Tokyo, hapless island explorers, or each other are called Kaiju note. While they have no specific form even in their own.
D-War Full Movie Part 1

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D-War Full Movie Part 1

Wonder Weapons of World War Two"QUANTUM SHOT" #5. Link - Article by Simon Rose. Made in Germany, 1. The Second World War was a period of remarkable advances in technology and many new weapons were invented during this period, some of which entered production and actually saw service in the war, while others never left the drawing board. Most of us are familiar with the secret weapons the Nazis had at their disposal in the last months of the war that were expected to turn the tide against the Allies.

However, Germany had a reputation as a scientifically advanced nation well before the outbreak of hostilities in 1. At the beginning of the war, the Germans had a significant advantage in many areas of military technology, although it lost the lead, for a variety of reasons, as the war progressed. War Front: Turning Point, 1)For the naval war, Germany built some submarines that could: - stay submerged for an entire patrol- used advanced sonar so they could target the enemy without raising the periscope- were equipped with the first electric powered torpedoes which left no trail of bubbles to give away the sub’s position- some even had stealth coating, rendering them invisible, when surfaced, to Allied planes using infra- red searchlights.

D-War Full Movie Part 1

This was years ahead of its time, similar to the radar absorbing coating of modern stealth aircraft. Germany also developed synthetic fuel from coal, in order to lessen its dependence on imported oil for its petroleum needs. Watch Killer Movie Online Facebook.

And very early in the war, German bombers operating at night used fixed radio transmitters, with receivers installed in the bombers, to very effectively navigate to their target areas. This system was the forerunner of GPS that we are familiar with today and for the first couple of years of the conflict at least, Allied air forces had no comparable system. Thinking the war was already won, Hitler placed less emphasis on weapons development. Later, when the war turned against them, Germany turned to new, highly sophisticated weaponry in a desperate bid to turn the tide. These wonder weapons, or wunderwaffe, mostly reached the field of combat too late to make a difference, although some, like the V2 rockets, were deployed and were superior to anything possessed by the Allies at the time. Most of these weapons were very advanced for their era and with the exception of the gigantic tanks, were all developed by other counties in the subsequent decades. There are too many to cover in detail in this article, but here are some of the most fascinating ones.

Wunder. Waffe 1 - Vampire Vision. The Sturmgewehr 4. M- 1. 6 and AK- 4. The ZG 1. 22. 9, also known by the code name Vampir, was an infra- red sight designed so that this rifle could be used by snipers at night.

It was first used in combat in the last months of the war and weighed about five pounds, but was also connected to a thirty pound battery support pack, strapped to the soldier’s back.(images via)Wunder. Waffe 2 - Shooting Around Corners"The idea of weapons capable of proving aimed fire from around corners has always existed, and eventually materializes in the form of working pieces. One such device was "Der Gebone Lauf" ("The Curved Barrel"), created by the Germans in WWII, seen below fitted to an MP4. Kurz) caliber assault rifle." (more info)(images via 1, 2)Wunder. Waffe 3 - Super- Heavy Tanks.

German engineers worked on a number of designs for super- heavy tanks and the Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus was the heaviest model of which a working prototype was made during the war. This tank weighed in at around 1.

No engine was powerful enough to allow the tank to achieve the desired speed of 2. It was also too heavy to cross bridges. However, because the tank stood relatively high off the ground, it could actually ford deep streams and for deeper rivers was able to go underwater and drive along the bottom.

However, to do this it had to be partnered with another tank, which supplied the electrical power through a cable. Amazingly, a long snorkel, allowing the crossing tank to submerge to a depth of 4. Wydawnictwo «Militaria» Wrobec)"Design studies found at Krupp showed a version of the Maus carrying a 3. Bear', and a giant 1.

This vehicle, put forward by two engineers named Grote and Hacker, was planned to be powered by four U- boat diesel engines!" (more info)The Landkreuzer P- 1. Ratte, from "My Tank Is Fight"This image shows how the Tiger tanks grew in size throughout the war: (image via)Wunder. Waffe 4 - "The Walking Tank", the mine- clearing vehicle. One of the Minen. Raumers - "In 1. 94.

Krupp built a prototype of this super heavy mineclearing vehicle. The 1. 30t vehicle was articulated in the centre, and was suspended on 2. These were set on different track widths at front and rear, so as to sweep a wider path. Each section of the Raumer S was powered by a Maybach HL9.

It was captured at end of the war by the U. S Army." (source)Another design was even stranger, developed by Alkett, Krupp and Mercedes- Benz in 1. The body of this strange machine built on the mounting of a heavy gun with a cabin including the compartment of combat, the engine compartment and which was surmounted by a turret of Panzer I (2 MG3.

The shielding varied from 2. The lower part to be able to resist to the mines was of 8. The direction was done using the small wheel located at the back, two larger wheels supplemented the suspension. The steel wheels were provided with steel shoes similar to those used by the German heavy guns at the time of the First World War. The wheels come from Caterpillar trucks.

They were in theory to resist the explosive loads of the mines." - via. Wunder. Waffe 5 - the world’s first cruise missile. The Fieseler Fi 1. V- 1, from the German vergeltungswaffe or vengeance weapon, was the world’s first cruise missile. The V- 1 was powered by jets and carried an 1. England on June 1.

D Day. The missile was sometimes delivered in the air from bombers, but was mostly ground launched, with long ramps hidden in wooded terrain. However, these were clearly visible from the air, so were usually bombed very quickly, forcing the German army to use mobile ramps instead, which they moved around the Pas- de- Calais region of the French channel coast.

Recreated launch ramp at the museum in Duxford, UK - (image via)Despite its fearsome reputation, although nearly 9,2. V1’s were fired against London and other English towns and cities, fewer than 2,5.

However, V1 firing continued, at Antwerp and other cities on the European mainland as well as against England, until Allied forces finally captured the launch areas in late March 1. Variation: Rocket- Propelled Piloted Aircraft Bomb - more info: Kamikaze "Ohka" (Cherry Blossom) ordered by Japan empire (U. S. S. "Essex" was hit by one of these, for example) V- 1 used against London, and the new V- 1 "BAKA", an interesting comparison. Watch The Marine 5: Battleground Online Full Movie. Wunder. Waffe 6 - the original long- range ballistic missile. The V1’s successor, perhaps a little predictably known as the V- 2, was the original long- range ballistic missile and the first man- made object to achieve sub- orbital spaceflight. With a range of 2. V2 also traveled at 2.

There was no advance warning and although the V2 was far from accurate, it caused mass terror and panic when used against civilians. The rockets were also fired from mobile launchers, which were difficult to locate either before or after they were fired. Over 3. 00. 0 V2’s were fired against the Allies, killing over 7. German army was forced to retreat beyond the launch range.