Misfits TV series Wikipedia. Misfits is a Britishscience fictioncomedy drama television show, on E4, about a group of young offenders sentenced to work in a community service programme, where they obtain supernatural powers after a strange electrical storm. The show premiered on 1. November 2. 00. 9 and concluded on 1. December 2. 01. 3 in its fifth series. Antonia Thomas, Iwan Rheon, Lauren Socha, Nathan Stewart Jarrett, and Robert Sheehan are introduced as Alisha Daniels, Simon Bellamy, Kelly Bailey, Curtis Donovan, and Nathan Young respectively. Sheehan left after the second series, replaced in the third by Joseph Gilgun as Rudy Wade. After the third series it was announced that Rheon, Thomas, and Socha had left and would be replaced by new cast members Karla Crome, Nathan Mc. Mullen and Matt Stokoe, as Jess, Finn, and Alex respectively. Midway through the fourth series, Stewart Jarrett left while Natasha OKeeffe joined the cast as Abbey Smith. Misfits Genre Action Dark comedy Drama Science fiction Supernatural Created by Howard Overman Written by Howard Overman Jon Brown Mike OLeary Creative directors. John Boyega discusses Finns new place in the Resistance in The Last Jedi. The stars of Game of Thrones say therell be a quicker pace to the next season. Latest Stories. Game of Thrones Final Season Might Not Air Until 2019 This is a bummer CancerFree Kassie DePaiva Will Be Returning to Days of Our Lives DePaiva. LATEST HEADLINES Wonder Woman Sets a Record Opening for a Female Directed Feature 4 hours ago All episodes Expanded View List View Upcoming Episodes Recent Episodes. This is the American Dad Wiki Episode Guide for the Fox animated television series. The leading information resource for the entertainment industry. Find industry contacts talent representation. Manage your photos, credits, more. Even though the events of season three are extremely serious, there are still some great moments of comedy in this season. Do you have a favoriteMisfits Season 2 Episode 7 How Does Simon KnowThe show aired in Australia in 2. ABC2, and in New Zealand, it screens on FOUR, where its fourth series is currently running. In June 2. 01. 1, it was made available online in the United States via Hulu. A Christmas special, written by Howard Overman, featuring the whole main cast of the first series was broadcast on E4 in December 2. The fourth series premiered in October 2. Filming locations. Many interiors were filmed in sets built in the old Runnymede campus of Brunel University. Marketing. For example, in a British first, the characters Simon and Kelly tweeted during the initial transmission of each episode, with the content of the tweets provided by writers Sam Liefer and Ben Edwards, under the direction of lead writer Howard Overman and executive producer Petra Fried. These tweets and other website postings provided additional narrative material, and amongst other things did not ultimately reveal the identity of a key character who appeared only in episode six. Since then other characters have appeared, such as Rudy Wade and Alisha Daniels, as well as a fan based. The second series started filming in May 2. This series had seven episodes, including a Christmas episode. An exclusive short film,. It introduced new character Rudy Joe Gilgun and was eight episodes long. Unlike the first two series, Howard Overman did not write all the episodes, instead writing six of the eight with Jon Brown writing the other two. This series also saw the departures of Seth and Curtis. Like series 3, Howard Overman penned six episodes and Jon Brown wrote the remaining two. Series 4 came to a close on 1. December 2. 01. 2. Plot overview. Initially, the show focused on five young adults, each gaining a superpower which mirrors their character. Kelly Bailey Lauren Sochaconstantly judged for her class. Nathan Young Robert Sheehan appears unchanged. The group are attacked by their probation officer, Tony, who was driven insane when he acquired his strange powers in the electrical storm, and is accidentally killed by Kelly in self defence. The main plot of the first series is the five trying to stop anyone else finding out about the death. Tonys replacement Sally is revealed to be Tonys fianc. Sallys suspicion grows and she forms a relationship with Simon, secretly pretending to like him in order to get information from him about Tonys disappearance. She steals his mobile phone, which has the video of Nathan saying they killed Tony, sees it, and tries to convince Simon to go to the police. When she tries to get away, Simon turns invisible, intentionally unnerves her while doing so, and then accidentally kills her in the struggle for his mobile. Other subplots of the series involve Nathan living in the community centre after his mother kicks him out of her house, Alisha and Curtis becoming involved in a relationship, Curtis accidentally changing time so he never split up from his ex girlfriend Sam, Nathan trying to figure out what his power could possibly be, and Simons sense of loneliness and isolation from the rest of the group. After disposing of Sallys body, the delinquents discover the Virtue cult, a group of young people who have begun adopting ultra conservative behaviour. Nathan and Simon discover that this is the fault of Rachel, a conservative young woman who gained the power of suggestion due to the storm. During a struggle on a rooftop, both Rachel and Nathan are killed and the brainwashed youth freed. The Guilt Trip Movie Watch Online there. As his friends mourn, Nathans power is finally revealed to be immortality as he awakens in his coffin, unharmed and buried alive. Series 2 2. 01. 0. He assists them through dangerous situations and is seemingly aware of events that take place before they happen and saving members of the group on multiple occasions, such as revealing to Kelly that Nathan was still alive, saving Curtis from being strangled to death by a shapeshifter, saving Nathan from a car explosion when taking drugs makes him temporarily mortal, and saving Alisha from a mugger. When Alisha is attacked a second time, she is taken back to the masked mans safe house. It is revealed that he is a time traveling, future Simon, with whom Alisha falls in love and learns she is to fall in love with the present Simon. Future Simon warns of an unspecified, upcoming crisis and shows that the superpowers will soon become public knowledge  which eventually occurs, only for that timeline to be erased. Future Simon sacrifices himself to save Alisha, prompting Alisha to reveal the truth to present Simon. Throughout the series, subplots include Nathan discovering his immortality extends to mediumship, Nathan and Kellys abortive attempt at a relationship, Curtis and Alisha breaking up, Simon slowly becoming more assertive and comfortable with himself, and Curtis starting a relationship with a girl named Nikki, who obtained her teleportation power from a heart transplant. Three months later, the Misfits give up their powers by selling them to Seth, a former drug dealer with the ability to transfer powers from one person to another. Elliot, a disillusioned priest, purchases several powers from the same dealer including Alishas and Nikkis, and uses them to pose as a reborn Jesus Christ. While the Misfits are celebrating the fact that they are free from their powers, a follower of. The Misfits steal the money that Elliot has gathered from his followers so they can purchase their powers back, accidentally killing him while doing so. Curtis attempts to buy his power back so that he can save Nikki from the shooting, however Seth informs him that his power has already been given to an old Jewish man who wanted to kill Hitler and change history. The Misfits use the money to buy new powers from Seth, with Kelly being the first to volunteer. Watch Online Watch Dragon Day Full Movie Online Film there. Series 3 2. 01. 1. Nathan is absent, having gone to Las Vegas in the hope that his new ability of magic will make him a millionaire. A young man on community service named Rudy, with the ability to create a duplicate of himself, meets the gang when he upsets a woman, causing her to use her power to freeze people within proximity in order to wreak havoc on Rudy. Rudys actions accidentally put Simon, Kelly, Alisha and Curtis back into community service. Major subplots include Simon and Alishas relationship, Simons progressive transformation into his future self, Rudys womanising and philandering, Curtiss experimentation as a female, Kellys infatuation and eventual relationship with Seth, and Seths obsessive search for a mysterious power. Additional minor plots include Simon being munipulated by a cartoonist with a time altering power and Alisha then pushing him to not become. This alternative time stream is eventually set right. Watch Exam Online Free 2016 here. Rudy contracts a superpower made STD in the confusion of a club, he then goes on a hunt to find the person responsible. Seth eventually finds what he was looking for, the power of resurrection. He gives it to Curtis in exchange for his sex change power, after Curtis accidentally impregnates himself.