PIERS MORGAN Emma Watson wins most pompous person award. Every time I hear actress sorry, gender equal actor Emma Watson pontificate in public these days, I die just a little bit more. Of course, this might be her very intention. But even by Ms Watsons standards of jabbering, PC crazed nonsense, shes now excelled herself. At last nights MTV Movie TV Award, she was the first winner of the inaugural gender neutral Best Actor category. Emma Watson won the first MTV Movie Award of the night in the first ceremony that didnt separate nominees based on gender  Non binary Asia Kate Dillon, from the show Billions, announced the winner and handed Emma her award. To ram home the message, non binary thats apparently somebody who identifies as neither male nor female actoractress Asia Kate Dillon, from the show Billions, announced the winner. The first acting award in history that doesnt separate nominees based on their sex says something about how we perceive the human experience, Ms Watson said. It certainly does, yes. It says to me that weve all gone barking bloody bonkers. Gender has become a very complex thing in modern society. But to me, its very simple. I come from the increasingly unfashionable school of thought that says there are just two genders male and female. They are wonderfully similar and compatible in many ways, and very different in others. Showtime Full Jungle Master 2: Candy Planet Online Free' title='Showtime Full Jungle Master 2: Candy Planet Online Free' />Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. I am 1. 00 percent in favor of full gender equality between men and women, and fully supportive of those who wish to transgender because they feel they were born the wrong sex. But I am 1. 00 percent opposed to the concept of there being 1. Headlines from the network and other sources, as well as downloads of trailers and clips. After six episodes that have been incredible, infuriating, revealing, confusing, and epic, last nights Game of Thrones finale had a great many things to answer for. Fixer Upper HGTV Announces Final Season Premiere and New Spinoff Bring It The Rap Game Lifetime TV Shows Return in November Gold Rush Season Eight Debut Finds. Image?disableStub=true&type=VIDEO_S_720&url=http%3A%2F%2Fi.mycdn.me%2Fimage%3Fid%3D849404514509%26t%3D50%26plc%3DWEB%26tkn%3D*EopjeHd9gKl2PqcSP6wVBWyxWSc&signatureToken=1q-q_xVQE2IR67jaRyDMIQ' alt='Showtime Full Jungle Master 2: Candy Planet Online Free' title='Showtime Full Jungle Master 2: Candy Planet Online Free' />Showtime Full Jungle Master 2: Candy Planet Online FreeThings are getting so ridiculous now, it wont be long before Lady Gaga demands maternity units where it is forbidden to say if you have had a boy or girl because the baby is unable to self identify. Think Im kidding In Cardiff, Wales, a university recently tried to have the word mankind banned in case it offended anyone. Is woman next for the PC chop because it contains man Where does this madness end Not with Emma Watson, thats for sure. I am 1. 00 percent opposed to the concept of there being 1. Acting is about the ability to put yourself into someone elses shoes and that doesnt have to be separated into two different categories, she declared in her speech. OK, so lets now imagine this idea is taken to the main acting awards season, featuring the Oscars, Emmys and Golden Globes First, there would be half as many awards, obviously. So half as many people would get recognised for their acting work as currently do. For many of the Hollywood luvvies I know, this would be a torture right up there with water boarding. Second, what if by chance, men won the first five years of gender neutral Best Actor awards simply because they genuinely happened to give better performances than the women in that periodCan you even begin to picture the global outrage that would ensure Rabid feminists, led by the likes of Emma Watson, would stamp their feet and scream that the only reason men were winning was waswait for it SEXISMMadonna would immediately call for a march against this disgusting oppression of women. And Donald Trump would get the blame because hes Donald Trump. Last night, I noticed Ms Watson wore quite an eye catching racy outfit to accept her gender neutral award. Wouldnt it have been more appropriate if she had worn gender neutral clothesOr would that not, as she well knows, have garnered her the global media coverage that she so aggressively coverts with her body as we saw when she recently went topless for Vanity Fair Momentous occasion The first acting award in history that doesnt separate nominees based on their sex says something about how we perceive the human experience, the actress, 2. Hot, leggy, sparkly number lots of attention. Dull, black trouser suit not so much. Watch Midnight Chronicles Hindi Full Movie. Then there is the issue of the role for which Ms Watson won her gender neutral award. She played Belle in Beauty and the Beast. A more gender specific role in a more gender specific film it would be hard to find. Far from promoting feminism, as Ms Watson has comically tried to claim, it actually promotes old school misogyny. The title Beauty is the classic physical based stereotype for women that Watson purports to abhor. Why did she not demand Beauty be changed to Ugly Wouldnt that have been a far more empowering feminist message to those women less aesthetically gifted than Ms Watson Watson is seen above as Belle in the movie Beauty and the Beast. As for Beast, could there be a more alpha male stereotype title for a manEspecially one who is hairy, hard drinking and does lots of hunting Even worse, he starts off a handsome prince but then gets turned into a hideously ugly beast as a punishment for his flaws. So the message couldnt be clearer beauty is good, ugly is bad. Ms Watson told the MTV audience Im so proud to be part of a film that celebrates diversity, literacy, inclusion, joy and love the way this one does. The title Beauty is the classic physical based stereotype for women that Watson purports to abhor. Sorry, WHAT Beauty and the Beast is about a savage male beast who kidnaps a beautiful woman. She falls in love with him due to some weird Stockholm Syndrome type situation, forgives him for all his terrible behaviour, and then tries to make him a nicer person. So, shes basically in an abusive relationship in which her only asset is her sexuality and the movies subliminal theme is therefore that if a woman is pretty and sweet natured she can change an abusive man into a kind and gentle man. In the end, the beast turns back into a handsome prince because, presumably, ugly people cannot possibly be truly happy. If I said that on Twitter, Emma Watson and her Harry Potter mates like JK Rowling would crucify meAlso, as in the original fairy tale, Belle is stuck at home doing the housework. Ms Watson, being an ardent feminist, demanded Disney turn her version of Belle into an inventor. Very laudable, but what did she invent Belle dances with The Beast in the movie. The former Harry Potter star said when accepting her award last night Acting is about the ability to put yourself into someone elses shoes and that doesnt have to be separated into two different categoriesAh yes, a washing machine. So she could do even more housework in a more efficient way I could have bet my entire lifes earnings that the first winner of this gender neutral MTV award would be a a woman and b an outspoken feminist. It if had been a man, all hell would have broken loose. But heres the real problem with trying to create a gender neutral competitive world it will never work. I could have bet my entire lifes earnings that the first winner of this gender neutral MTV award would be a a woman and b an outspoken feminist Why Well, lets take Ms Watsons thinking to its natural conclusion. Watch Stranded Online Stranded Full Movie Online there. If she truly wants gender neutral competition, then she should include the Olympic Games in her campaign. Men and women would no longer compete in the current myriad gender specific events instead, they would compete against each other. I guarantee this idea would last right to the moment we got to the closing ceremony of the first gender neutral Olympics and women hadnt won a single medal. Not because they are less important than, or mentally inferior to, men but because men and women are simply different physiological creatures. When you put the strongest, most powerful and fastest men up against their female equivalents, the men will invariably win. So every single medal podium in the gender neutral Olympics would be men only. I think we can all confidently predict what Emma Watson would scream about that SEXISM. Breaking Celeb News, Entertainment News, and Celebrity Gossip. Translate to English Translate to English Translate to English Translate to English This content is available customized for our international audience. 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