Star Wars Rebels The Siege of Lothal Wookieepedia. Star Wars Rebels The Siege of LothalWe will squeeze Lothal until someone reveals the whereabouts of these traitors. Darth VadersrcStar Wars Rebels The Siege of Lothal is a one hour long, two part television movie that serves as the second season premiere of the animated television series Star Wars Rebels. The television movie event was written by co executive producer Henry Gilroy and directed by Bosco Ng and Brad Rau. The movie premiered on April 1. Celebration Anaheim, and it made its television debut on June 2. Watch Wir Sind Die Nacht Online Hitfix'>Watch Wir Sind Die Nacht Online Hitfix. Disney XD. The premiere continues the events of the first season, as the rebel crew of the Ghost adjusts to their new missions within the larger rebellion. After receiving a call for help from Minister. Maketh Tua, who wants the rebels to help her defect from the Galactic Empire in exchange for vital Imperial secrets, the rebels return to Lothal only to find that they have entered an Imperial trap. With Lothal under Imperial siege and the Empire on their trail, the rebels must find a way to flee Lothal and return to the rebellion. Along the way, they have their first encounter with Darth Vader, the dreaded Dark Lord of the Sith. Official description. Edit. The Inquisitor is dead. QpCPBpH.jpg' alt='Under Siege Full Movie Part 1' title='Under Siege Full Movie Part 1' />The Ghost crew has connected with other rebel cells. And a new ally named Ahsoka Tano has emerged. Despite these successes and developments, the fight against the Empire takes a deadly turn, as the evil Sith Lord. Darth Vader comes to Lothal. Plot summary. Edit. Rebel operations. Edit. Not long after the events of Fire Across the Galaxy, in which the rebels of the planet. Ruby Ridge was the site of an elevenday siege near Naples, Idaho, U. S., beginning on August 21, 1992, when Randy Weaver, members of his immediate family, and family. Under Siege Full Movie Part 1' title='Under Siege Full Movie Part 1' />Includes downloads, cheats, reviews, and articles. Lothal realized they were part of a larger rebellion against the Galactic Empire, the crew of the Ghost has become part of Phoenix Squadron, a rebel cell comprised of multiple corvettes and a squadron of A wings under the command of Commander. Jun Sato. Together, they undertake a mission to steal shield generators from the Empire to help defend the fleet. The Ghost, under the command of Captain. Hera Syndulla, flies with Phoenix Squadron to carry out the mission. Also involved is the fleet of rebel blockade runners. The fleet attacks a group of Imperial freighters and knocks supplies loose from one of the vessels. The Ghost secures the cargo and the fleet jumps into hyperspace upon the arrival of two Arquitens class light cruisers. Plan to draw the Rebels back. EditIf the rebels have left, then we must draw them back. And if they are here, we must draw them out. Darth Vader on his plans to capture the Ghost crewsrcDarth Vader speaks to Minister Tua. On Lothal, Minister. Maketh Tua and Agent. Kallus of the Imperial Security Bureau discuss the steps that Tua is taking so the planetary government can locate the rebels. Though Tua has increased security and instituted a planetary curfew, she correctly believes that the rebels have already left Lothal and that such draconian measures will not be effective. Kallus counters that Tarkin wants results, given that his own personal Star Destroyer had been destroyed by the Rebels. The conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Darth Vader, a Dark Lord of the Sith and the Emperors top enforcer, who tells her that if the rebels have left Lothal then they need to be drawn back so the Empire can find them. Watch Merry Madagascar Mediafire there. Tua expresses reservations, and the Dark Lord tells her that she can relay her concerns to Grand Moff. Wilhuff Tarkin, Governor of the Outer Rim Territories, who has commanded her to visit him and account for her failures. Tua is terrified, likely from the memory of Tarkins execution of Cumberlayne Aresko and Taskmaster. Grint, who had also failed on various occasions. The crew of the Ghost returns to the command ship, Phoenix Home, where Commander Sato commends them for their work in securing fuel for the fleet in the raid despite intelligence reports to the contrary, however, there were no shield generators aboard the Imperial freighter. The Ghost crews astromech droid, C1 1. Pnicknamed Chopperarrives on in the command center carrying an urgent message. Kanan Jarrus, the crews leader, purposefully ignores fleet protocol and orders Chopper to play the message, but Syndulla interjects and orders Chopper to mask their signal by only using one way visual communication. The message is a holographic transmission from Jho, the Ithorian proprietor of a rebel safe haven on Lothal, who presents Minister Tua to the rebels. Tua believes her life is in danger and asks the rebels for help in defecting from the Empire, and she offers vital Imperial information in exchange for their assistanceincluding the names of rebel sympathizers on Lothal and nearby star systems, as well as intelligence regarding the Empires true mission on Lothal, a mission ordered by the Emperor himself. There is some disagreement amongst the crew as to whether they should undertake the mission, but Ezra Bridger, Jarrus Padawan, insists that they help her. Jarrus, Syndulla, and Commander Ahsoka Tano all agree, and Sato approves the mission. Having seen what the Clone Wars did to the galaxy, Jarrus says he does not want to fight another war. Jarrus leaves the command center and is followed by Syndulla, who lectures him about the breach of protocol in the command center. He is bothered by the fact that their once ragtag crew is now involved in a military operation and wants the crew to leave the rebellion, allowing the crew to return to their previous mission of robbing from the Empire and giving to those in need. Syndulla reminds him that they are fighting a bigger fight, but Jarrus, as a survivor of the Clone Wars and the ensuing Jedi Purge, does not want to fight another war after what the last one did to the galaxy. Unbeknownst to either of them, Bridger has overheard this exchange. Meanwhile, as the rebels prepare for their operation, Tua leaves her office in the Imperial complex in Capital City. Agent Kallus, suspecting her treason, orders a probe droid to follow her and record her movements. Return to Lothal. Edit. The rebels board a Star Commuter 2. Ghost behind under the assumption that the Empire can track it after it was involved in a battle with the Empire over the planet Mustafar. While en route to Lothal, they discuss their plan to rendezvous with Minister Tua in Capital City, where she is scheduled to leave on a shuttle to meet with Governor Tarkin.