Make yourselves a nice cup of tea first: Bodie's VHK1. W Capri is up for sale! There is an advert in the latest edition of Ford Classic magazine.

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Remember this IS the genuine article, though many body panels and other sundry items have been replaced, so the degree of the car's . A mere fifteen grand!! I am sorry for the late response and will not begin to give reasons as they will only seem trite. But my apology is genuine. I fully appreciate your point about . I agree that there is an inconsistency in the application of censorship as between videos and say, satellite broadcasts. But as you know, the BBFC has a legal obligation to classify videos under the Video Recordings Act 1.

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All programmes, series and tv-shows. A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; Q; R; S; T; U; V; W; X; Y; Z; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 0; 1.

Television / cable / satellite companies, on the other hand, are regulated differently and are not obliged to broadcast only classified material and they often don't. If the police's attention has been drawn to the portrayal of imitative criminal technique in the series broadcast by the satellite companies and if they apparently choose to do nothing about it, that must be a matter for the police. Just because complaints have not been received by ITC or the TV companies - and do we know this as fact?- it does not follow that people are unconcerned about these and other issues. If an individual is concerned about an issue but for whatever reason does not raise the matter with the authorities, that is clearly their decision and the authorities will have no knowledge of their concerns.

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As the classifying authority, however, the Board is unable to indulge in that luxury of being unconcerned, however misplaced at times, or of doing nothing once a concern has been identified. Watch Casino Royale Online there. In this example, a concern was raised so we took advice from an appropriate source, the police. They did not tell us to cut the scene. We chose to do it after having taken expert advice and considering a range of factors, including public expectation.

You and many members of the public may not agree with the Board's decision to cut but you should appreciate that we make the decision on behalf of many other members of public, who may agree with our decision. As to the surge or not of burglaries using techniques learnt on the series, we have no knowledge of either so any statement about either position is only assertion and does not advance the debate. Perhaps it may be a source of (a little) comfort to you to know that no decision to cut is ever taken lightly. I hope that my response answers your queries even though you may not agree with them. Yours sincerely. Wah- Yin Rixon (Mrs)Film & Video Examiner.

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And here's my response: Dear Mrs Rixon,Thank you very much for your reply. I must confess I was under the impression that the decision to cut the episode was as a *direct* result of the advice from the police. As you say, this was merely one of the factors involved. I take it, then, the ultimate decision to demand the cut was solely that of the BBFC. Unfortunately, from my point of view, this only serves to make the cut seem even more bizarre: as I mentioned in my previous e- mail, this particular episode had been widely available in the UK (with a . As far as I can see, then, the scene was cut for no valid reason! Or do the BBFC have documented evidence that 1.

Yet I am sure that had they done so and felt that the complaints were justified, then they would indeed have excised the scene. This would certainly have happened if the ITC had received complaints and upheld them. I think, then, we can safely assume that no such complaints have been received and supported. Does this mean that after the initial concern was raised over the scene, you surveyed several members of the public to assess their views and found that the majority of them agreed it should be removed?

I suspect not! You say that: ! This seems to imply that if they don't agree, you demand the cut anyway! That's hardly what I'd called representing .

I've spoken to about 2. Admittedly most of those I spoke to were fans of ! But these people are a cross- section of the vast majority of those who would actually buy this video! And that's really another point the BBFC should consider - instead of just taking the . I think you have demonstrated this with your own comments. This problem is compounded by your own admission that UK censorship is being applied inconsistently - and, therefore, unfairly.

This is a shame as I feel that the classification of films and videos is highly desirable and so the BBFC fulfills a worthy role in this respect. In terms of censorship, I can appreciate concerns over the violent nature of material depicted in some film and video works and the requirement to tailor this for younger audiences. I still maintain, however, that it in some cases, the BBFC displays no .

The uncut 1. 99. 3 issue of ! With specific regard to . Furthermore decisions to cut are also based purely on the rating of the work, rather than any consideration for its target audience. You are quite right that there are always going to be instances where one sector of the public disagrees with a decision to cut - this is unavoidable. However the crux of the problem in this case is not the decision itself but the methods employed by the BBFC to reach that decision, particularly given the factors I have outlined. Unfortunately I'm afraid your kind reply has raised more questions than answers, so I would appreciate some clarification.

I would like to think that partly in the light of my comments (after all, I'm a member of the public expressing my expectations!), should the episode ever be resubmitted, the BBFC would at least reconsider its decision. Your sincerely,Dave Matthews. Late again! I forgot Marty's birthday on 2. January ! Thanks to all those folks who jogged my elbow! I've been trying to follow up on dates for the latest Dangerous Corner tour. I have contacted Middle Ground and am still awaiting a reply but it appears that the three venues mentioned below are the only ones planned. Tony Buller informs me that plans for a gold- coloured Corgi Capri have born fruit.

Later this month should see the release of 1. Should sales prove encouraging the remaining 1. Mark Bush tells me that there is a Belgian fanclub for the series. Address as follows: CI5 Files Re- Opened. Caluwaert Am. Hallaarstraat 6. B- 2. 22. 2Itegem. Belgium. I'm afraid I know nothing else about this fanclub.

Can anyone out there enlighten us, please? Uncut eps as usual.

Female Sociopaths. She will. wear people down until, for a quieter life, they agree with her.

Interestingly, what she threatens. Equally interestingly, she feels criticism and humiliation intensely, even if none is intended. Sometimes she will create a threat in her mind merely to defend and excuse what. They are much more manipulative than male psychopaths.

Typically, they are somewhat sadistic, especially toward women  - - which means that they experience. This is the case with psychopaths in general, but with female sociopaths you really see the.

Ruthless and conniving. Can extort favors using fake pregnancies, injuries. They are really like  a person, who killed her/his. Here this page might, probably, help as, hopefully, it provides. So a female sociopath in the role. That can be quite. Add to that compulsive desire of winning at all cost (they.

The latter like often happens in real life is not devoid of some positive traits such as. Glenn Close character - - Marquise de Merteuil ). Everybody is. just a tool.

We become slaves the moment we hand the keys to the definition of reality entirely over. And what female psychopath wants most is the power to define your reality. Often this. is done via exploiting sexual attractiveness. Claims of being pregnant. Like Green Berets or Terminator. They typically have high IQ which makes them even more dangerous if they are a member of your family. And they are really lethal weapon as managers.

Demanding, ruthless, two- faced, manipulative. At the same time they are different from male sociopaths. Among. female managers with sociopathic tendencies percent of. And typically they are more sophisticated.

To detect a female sociopath for the outsider is a very challenging task as they are masters of mimicry. They excel in interviews. They do not allow themselves to show their anger. Anger is reserved to subordinates and members of the immediate.

Despite inability to feels love, they can imitate it and they are often seductive. In a way, you view them as self- employed escorts with deferred payment. In such situations, the devil is in details, but people in romantic mode and under. And their high . Make no mistakes here.

Feel that you are under a lot of pressure. Typically accompanied by bouts of. This diagnose is about some fuzzy . Psychology is not a precise science, and probably will never be.

You can't. pinpoint genes responsible for such behaviour. It is very important to understand that there is no . It's all shadows of grey.

There is just some fuzzy . It's like a. feminine version of sociopaths, and nearly as dangerous. Borderline personality disorder is diagnosed in three times as many. Persons with BPD are described  as .

See Understanding Borderline. Rage. An unusual degree of instability in mood and black- and- white thinking often manifests. Diagnosed only in individuals over.

Typical set of traits. Sets of traits are notoriously unreliable and somewhat unscientific approach but they can serve you. In any case we do not have anything better. But it is important to understand that traits are not inert peace. Similarly there is a constellation of traits. In this particular case a female sociopath. So a. female sociopath in not a mechanical combination of certain traits but a .

In no way they are . They are a different. Some of then are acquired, but many originates. One day his new. friends propose swiping a few candy bars from a corner store.

When a gang ridicules him, the honesty. Combinations of traits that are typical for psychopathic personality is now well known and well. That does not mean that they are easy to detect. Quite opposite. Stout believes. The intense charm of people. Robert Hare and. Dr. Paul Babiak, one of the most effective skills.

However, the truly talented ones have polished their ability. One must always keep in mind that the charm, like manipulation in general.

But you can easily see it in. Women who have a closely related set of traits, but without personal fearlessness, courage and. The researchers of this disorder proposed a useful mnemonic that makes it. Of couse this is.

This mnemonic phrase is . Relationships are presented as more intimate than they actually are. Attention- seeking behaviour, especially efficient when it comes along with. Physical beauty is the trait that makes female sociopath so dangerous, as it. Direct and confident body language  signals their interest in you. They listen attentively, ask simple. Ask for clarification or further details on stories and.

Speech style is somewhat exaggerated, emotionally elevated with the goal to impress; lacks details. Emotional lability; shallowness. Light flirt. Make- up, hair style, clothing, perfume, the whole physical appearance are well though. Such people are judged as better looking than average on first sight.

Many people are attracted to. They are willing to engage is.

Difficult to spot if you feel sympathy or affection to the individual. If you attentive this is trait that is one of the easiest to spot despite all.

In more rare cases they are pathological, compulsive liars and lie even when there is no obvious need to it.. It represents itself as a  consistent trait. Their personality attributes typically include superficial charm, unreliability, untruthfulness.

Pathological egocentricity, selfishness, and related to those traits rejection of. Along with deriving pleasure from criminal behavior, they . Unreliability, untruthfulness, and insincerity. Please understand that betrayal and backstabbing. For example petty stealing when having money to buy particular item. As they. have complete lack of remorse and empathy they can do really bad things smiling..

If you observe. such episodes several times this is an important warning signal. As Ian Fleming said (via James Bond.

Goldfinger) . Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action. To the pathological liar his own lies. They have no troubles to.

False accusations are to be expected.. For example, using drugs or a women can accuse her husband that he has sex with their. Prone to fly into rages See Borderline Rage. Many of these women. Typically they has little or. They are natural born risk takers, . For them life is giant casino.