Facebook Claims It's Going to Stop Spamming You. Your Facebook News Feed is about to change, yet again, and it’s because the social media giant wants you to be better informed. Facebook announced Wednesday that it is rolling out a new update over coming months to ensure users stop seeing posts and ads on their News Feed linking out to “low- quality web experiences.” A low- quality website is subjective, but Facebook has set a clear definition for this purpose: it’s “misleading, sensational and spammy” pages “containing little substantive content” or are littered with ads. This way people can see fewer misleading posts and more informative posts,” writes Facebook. Facebook and Whats.

App announced a new data sharing plan that’ll improve targeted advertising and…Read more Read“Disruptive, shocking or malicious”The company says it reviewed hundreds of thousands of web pages that are linked from the platform to evaluate which content has little substance or has an abundance of “disruptive, shocking or malicious” ads. Then, they used artificial intelligence to spot similar pages on the platform. Once identified to be a low- quality web page, the new News Feed algorithm places the page lower in a user’s feed and disqualifies it from being an ad. It’s essentially a ranking system that creates a hierarchy based on a web page’s quality, sparing users from being bombarded with obnoxious or NSFW ads the moment they head over. They’ve done this before.

Sound familiar? That’s because Facebook has used this tactic before to tackle clickbait. Last year, the company announced it had analyzed thousands of article headlines to determine whether or not they were clickbait (Think: “How To Lose 9. Pounds In Less Than One Week”).

New bikes, U.S. contenders in MX2, and Antonio Cairoli looks to clinch his ninth FIM World Motocross Championship at WW Motocross Park. Your Facebook News Feed is about to change, yet again, and it’s because the social media giant wants you to be better informed. Fast Company reports that the nonprofit Conservation International has put out a new online tool for figuring out your carbon footprint. Field Freak Online Putlocker. Spend a few minutes answering.

Using this data, they developed a software algorithm that effectively scores web domains and Pages on their clickbait violations and this score determines their status in a News Feed — much like the new algorithm.“This is one of the first times we’re actually using information from the experience that people will have once they click something to help inform the ranking in News Feed,” product manager Greg Marra told Recode. But how will it affect fake news? One practical result of this change is how it will affect the prevalence of “fake news” on the social networking site. It’s no secret that Facebook has a fake news problem — the issue was spotlighted amid the 2.

“Facebook engineers panic, pull plug on AI after bots develop their own language,” one site wrote. “Facebook shuts down down AI after it invents its own creepy. TREE COVER LOSS OUTSIDE OF PLANTATIONS. Forest change data sets on Global Forest Watch show loss in total tree cover, which may include both planted and natural forests. Smartwatches have long felt like a gadget in search of a purpose. However, it seems the Boston Red Sox have finally discovered one thing they are actually good at.

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While Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg denied allegations — he claimed 9. Gizmodo reported the company was aware of the problem and even had access to a tool that could block false content.

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Fake news has been a big talking point the last few weeks, and today, Facebook’s finally rolling…Read more Read. In the aftermath of the criticism and accusations, the company banned fake news sites from using the in- house ad network.

Facebook also created a new, easier method for taking down false news posts: users can easily report a fake story by clicking on the upper right corner of the post and when enough reports are made, a third- party fact- checker evaluates the link to determine its authenticity. Now, with the new AI algorithm update, the Facebook is taking another stab at fake news sites from a different angle. Since many of the sites dishing inaccurate information are also low- quality websites, they are at risk of being lowly ranked. And, as Tech. Crunch notes, the creators behind false news are largely driven by financial incentives and fill their content in ads. Just remember: Facebook is making it less likely you’ll encounter fake content; they’re not eliminating it. It’s easier than ever for someone to create a website and post completely made up stories that…Read more Read.