Minecraft Player Builds Punching, Shooting Version Of Overwatchs Doomfist. You. Tuber Mc. Makistein recreated a fully playable version of the Overwatch character Doomfist in Minecraft. Mc. Makistein, who goes by Mr. Makistein on Reddit, told curious others that it only took him about a week to create this cubic version of the franchises newest offense hero. On this episode, we dive right back into the historical timeline with talk on some detailed land purchase agreements. Jo and the Mormons were in a bad spot when they. L6bzxMel5Q/TdyrZmxvoUI/AAAAAAAAYjA/DCZYNL8P29g/s1600/tm-red-faction-sneak-peek-screencap8.jpg' alt='Watch Red Faction: Origins Youtube' title='Watch Red Faction: Origins Youtube' />The August Celestials defend Pandarias temples from the Sha. Each day, theyll send you to one of four temples to complete a short series of daily quests. Rewards. Watch the video then talk about your favorite highlight in the comments below. Be sure to check out, like, and share the original videos via the links below. It took him over 4. Just like its Overwatch counterpart, this Doomfist can deal damage with his Rocket Punch and Hand Cannon. Mc. Makistein has also created Minecraft versions of other Overwatch characters, such as Genji, Reaper, and Tracer. Theyre also fully playable. On the web, there are other Minecraft and Overwatch enthusiasts creating their own game mashups, such as the Minewatch project, which is led by a team that creates character designs and weapons. The Overwatch Illios project focused on creating Overwatch maps such as Hanamura and Route 6. Watch Red Faction: Origins Youtube' title='Watch Red Faction: Origins Youtube' />Mc. Makistein plans to recreate Mercynext. To download his version of Doomfist, go here. Episodes Naked Mormonism Podcast. EpisodesRight click or press and hold touchscreen users to download the episode. RSS feed for financial supporters https www. RSS feed for non i. Tunes users http nakedmormonismpodcast. Episode 7. 3 Heber Kimball Visionary Polygamist Episode 7. Nauvoo Divine InspeculationEpisode 7. Worst POTUS EVER with Cognitive Dissonance. On this episode, we invite on Tom and Cecil of the Cognitive Dissonance podcast to talk about the worst presidential candidate in American History, Joseph Smith. From New York to Illinois, everything Jo touched fell into a state of chaos and ruin. By the time we get to his 1. Mormon theocracy on the Mississippi. Join us for all the shenanigans and dont forget to check out Tom and Cecils podcasts, Cognitive Dissonance and, for all the history fans out there, Citation Needed on all your favorite podcast vehicles. Links Cognitive Dissonancehttp dissonancepod. Watch Stir Crazy Mediafire. Citation Neededhttp citationpod. Show links Website http nakedmormonismpodcast. Twitter Naked. Mormonism. Facebook https www. Naked Mormonism3. Patreon http patreon. Music by Jason Comeau http aloststateofmind. Show Artwork http weirdmormonshit. Legal Counsel http patorrez. Voicemail Line 8. Nake d. Mo 6. 25 3. Episode 7. 0 Illinois Theocracy with Geisner, Shepherd, Marquardt. Ep 6. 9 Mormon Apologist Debate. Episode 6. 8 Motivations of a Broken Mind. Episode 6. 7 Perception Check. Episode 6. 6 God Mode Jo. Ep 6. 5 Hurricane Harvey Harbinger. Episode 6. 4 Death of Joseph Smith. Episode 6. 3 Failure to Prophesy. Episode 6. 2 John Bennett then Brokeit. Episode 6. 1 Congressional Deafening. Sunstone SLC Wrap Up. Episode 6. 0 CC Smith Entheogen Theory pt. Smith entheogen theory. We cover the second half of the paper to be presented at Sunstone Symposium which deconstructs entheogen use through Joseph Smiths early years and into Mormonism. The amount Smith had practiced honing dose, set, and setting finally pays off during the Kirtland Temple dedication ceremony. Public entheogen use seems to drop off sharply after this ceremony, being forced underground for many understandable reasons. We conclude with discussing possible weak points in the theory, as well as limitations, and finish with our overarching conclusion for the entire paper. We hope to see some of you at Sunstone on Saturday 2. July 2. 01. 7 for the presentation, or for the live My Book of Mormon show at Squatters pub that same evening If you cant make it to either of those, consider coming to church with Marie and I at the Joseph Smith Memorial building on Sunday to stand in solidarity supporting those hurt by the bigotry forwarded by the Mormon church. Links Smith Entheogen theoryhttp realbookofmormon. Psilly Rabbits Podcasthttp psillyrabbits. Show links Website http nakedmormonismpodcast. Twitter Naked. Mormonism. Facebook https www. Naked Mormonism3. Patreon http patreon. Music by Jason Comeau http aloststateofmind. Show Artwork http weirdmormonshit. Legal Counsel http patorrez. Voicemail Line 8. Nake d. Mo 6. 25 3. Episode 5. 9 CC Smith Entheogen Theory pt. Episode 5. 8 Fop or a Fool for POTUSEpisode 5. Sign of the Times and Spiritual Tokens. Episode 5. 6 Re Evolving Doctrine. Episode 5. 5 Josephs Historical RevisionismEpisode 5. The Spalding Virus. Special Edition Episode 4. New Church History and Old Cults with Charone. Episode 5. 3 Bloodys Play While Jos Away. Special Edition Episode 4. Classic Psychedelics with Prof. Carl Ruck. Episode 5. Liberty Love Letters. Special Edition Episode 4. Cardio of the Stuff with Shawn Mc. CraneyEpisode 5. Force and Inertia. On this episode, we discuss just how terrible the winter of 1. Mormons, especially for the incarcerated leadership. The Saints were forcefully removed from Missouri and landed in temporary refugee camps along the Mississippi, settling a little town called Quincy, IL. Jo, Hyrum, Rigdon, Mc. Rae, Baldwin, and Wight are all wasting away in Liberty Jail until Doniphan gets cert for an habeus corpus hearing. Rigdon pulls out the ol preacher moves and sways the congregation to release him even in his fractured mental state, hes still got it. We end the episode with a brief wrap up of the Mormon history tour as well as Reason. Con. Links LDS History article Within the Walls of Liberty Jailhttps history. Patience Delila Pierce Palmer personal historyhttps familysearch. Jeffrey Holland Lessons from Liberty Jailhttps www. Rp. Oyl. YSEaq. A t1. Chris Nemelka Marvelous Work and a Wonderhttps www. Shawn Mc. Craney Heart of the Matterhttps www. Mk. JOXPVKo. LQactionshare. Show links Website http nakedmormonismpodcast. Twitter Naked. Mormonism. Facebook https www. Naked Mormonism3. Patreon http patreon. Music by Jason Comeau http aloststateofmind. Show Artwork http weirdmormonshit. Legal Counsel http patorrez. Voicemail Line 8. Watch The To Do List Online (2017)'>Watch The To Do List Online (2017). Nake d. Mo 6. 25 3. Episode 5. 0 Mo Justice Mo Peace. Ominous Full Movie Part 1. Sp. Ed. Ep 4. 1 Leaking Off the Mormons with Ryan Mc. Knight. Episode 4. Profit of High Treason. Sp. Ed. Ep 4. 0 Prop 8 Trans lated with Callie and Andrew. Episode 4. 8 Hauns Mill Massacre. Sp. Ed. Ep 3. 9 More mon Conquest with Christopher Smith. Episode 4. 7 Executive Order Atrocity with Andrew Torrez. Sp. Ed. Ep 3. 8 Brigham Youngs Utah Conquest with Historian Christopher C. Smith. Episode 4. Mo Conquest and Mythicist Milwaukee pt. Sp. Ed. Ep 3. 7 Getting Nerdy with Cara Santa Maria. Episode 4. 5 Militant Seekers of Truth. Sp. Ed. Ep 3. 6 Josephs Technicolor Dream stone. On this episode, we jump in to part 2 of the Cody Noconi discussion about entheogens. Part 1 established a brief world history of hallucinogen use throughout the 1. Joseph Smith and Mormon history, essentially compiling the theory that Jo used hallucinogens for himself and possibly drugged his parishioners to incite spiritual experiences. It may be controversial. It may strain credulity and raise red flags of skepticism. One may call bullshit at the very onset of the discussion, but this is a viable theory that needs to be discussed openly in the public square of Mormon history. If Jos use of entheogens helps to explain any aspect of his religion it needs to be a topic of open discourse. If any listeners have competing theories that provide more explanatory power than this, please get in touch with Cody or Bryce and well further this conversation. Links Luman Waltershttps en. LumanWalters. Ethan Allen Hitchcockhttps en. EthanA. HitchcockgeneralCody Noconi contact information psilly. Vogel, Dan. The Locations of Joseph Smiths Early Treasure Quests. In Dialogue A Journal of Mormon Thought, p. Heinrich, Clark. Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy. Park Street Press, 2. Ott, Johnathon. Pharmacotheon Entheogenic drugs, their plant souces and history. Kennewick, Washingtom Natural Products Co, Second Edition Densified, 1. Mc. Kenna, Terrance. Food of The Gods The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge. Bantam Reprint edition, January 1, 1. Quinn, Michael. Early Mormonism and the Magic World View. Signature Books 2nd Edition, December 1. Rush, John. The Mushroom in Christian Art The Identity of Jesus in the Development of Christianity. North Atlantic Books, 2. Richard Schultes, Christian Ratsch, Albert Hoffman. Plants of the Gods Their Sacred, Healing, and Hallucinogenic Powers. Healing Arts Press 2nd edition, 2. Tanner, Jerald and Sandra. Joseph Smith and Money Digging. Salt Lake City Tribune, Issue no. October 1. Beckstead, Robert T. Restoration and the Sacred Mushroom. Presented at Sunstone Symposium August, 2. Tanner, Jerald and Sandra. Mormonism and Magic. Salt Lake City Tribune, Issue no. December 1. 98. 2 Fair Mormon Responses  http en. JosephSmithOccultismandmagic  1. Show Links Scathing Atheist 1. Mormon Missouri War episodes https audioboom. Website http nakedmormonismpodcast. Twitter Naked. Mormonism. Facebook https www. Naked Mormonism3.