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Watch full episodes, video clips and exclusives, read cast bios and browse photos on NBC. Anabolic steroids, also known more properly as anabolicandrogenic steroids AAS, are steroidal androgens that include natural androgens like testosterone as well. True Blood Wikipedia. True Blood is an American dark fantasyhorrortelevision series produced and created by Alan Ball and based on The Southern Vampire Mysteries series of novels by Charlaine Harris. The series revolves around Sookie Stackhouse Anna Paquin, a telepathic waitress living in the rural town of Bon Temps, Louisiana, two years after the invention of a synthetic blood that has allowed vampires to come out of the coffin and allow their presence to be known to mankind. Now they are struggling for equal rights and assimilation, while anti vampire organizations begin to gain power. Sookies world is turned upside down when she falls in love with 1. Bill Compton Stephen Moyer and for the first time must navigate the trials, tribulations and terrors of intimacy and relationships. The show was broadcast on the premium cable network HBO, in the United States, and was produced by HBO in association with Balls production company, Your Face Goes Here Entertainment. The series premiered on September 7, 2. August 2. 4, 2. 01. Watch Online Watch Sublime Full Movie Online Film'>Watch Online Watch Sublime Full Movie Online Film. The first five seasons received highly positive reviews, and both nominations and wins for several awards, including a Golden Globe and an Emmy. Series overvieweditThe fictional universe depicted in the series is premised on the notion that vampires exist, unbeknownst to the majority of humans until two years before the series premiere, when the creation of synthetic blood Tru Blood by Japanese scientists, which eliminated vampires need for human blood to survive, allowed vampires to come out of the coffin and reveal their existence to the world. E 1 This so called Great Revelation has split vampires into two camps those who wish to integrate into human society i. E 1 and those who think human vampire co existence is impossible, because it conflicts with the inherently predatory and violent nature of vampires. It has also caused similar divisions amongst non vampires some believe that they should be accepted and granted rights, while others view them as monsters to be destroyed. Throughout the series, other supernatural creatures are introduced, among them shapeshifters, werewolves, faeries, witches, and a maenad. The series revolves around Sookie Stackhouse Anna Paquin, a telepathic human faerie hybrid known as a halfling not to be confused with similarly named, but unrelated creatures found in other fantasy works. Watch Frankenweenie Mediafire. Sookie is a waitress at Merlottes Bar and Grill, owned by Sam Merlotte Sam Trammell in the small Louisiana town of Bon Temps. Sam is a shapeshifter, though this secret is kept hidden from most of the town. Other characters include Bill Compton Stephen Moyer, a 1. Bon Temps to take up residence in his former home following the death of his last remaining relative Tara Thornton Rutina Wesley, Sookies tough talking but insecure best friend Jason Ryan Kwanten, Sookies womanizing brother Eric Northman Alexander Skarsgrd, a 1. Sheriff of Area 5 and Lafayette Reynolds Nelsan Ellis, a short order cook, drug dealer, road crew member, and medium. The show explores several contemporary issues such as the struggle for equal rights, discrimination and violence against minorities and homosexuals, the problems of drug addiction, the power of faith and religion, the controlinfluence of the media, the quest for identity, and the importance of family. ProductioneditDevelopment historyeditSeries creator Alan Ball had previously worked with the cable channel HBO on Six Feet Under, which ran for five seasons. In October 2. 00. Six Feet Under wrapped, Ball signed a two year agreement with HBO to develop and produce original programming for the network. True Blood became the first project under the deal, after Ball became acquainted with Charlaine Harris Southern Vampire Mystery books. One day, while early for a dental appointment, Ball was browsing through a Barnes Noble bookshop and came across Dead Until Dark 2. Harris series. He read the entries that followed and became interested in bringing Harris vision to television. However, Harris already had two other adaptation options for the books. She said she chose to work with him, though, because Ball really got me. Thats how he convinced me to go with him. I just felt that he understood what I was doing with the books. The projects hour long pilot was ordered concurrently with the finalization of the aforementioned development deal, and was written, directed, and produced by Ball. Cast members Paquin, Kwanten and Trammell were announced in February 2. Moyer later on in April. The pilot was shot in the early summer of 2. August, at which point Ball had already written several more episodes. Watch Courage Under Fire HD 1080P'>Watch Courage Under Fire HD 1080P. Production on the series began later that fall,9 with Brook Kerr, who portrayed Tara Thornton in the original pilot, replaced by Rutina Wesley. Two more episodes of the series had been filmed before the 2. Writers Guild of America strike shut down production of the 1. That September, after only the first two episodes of the series had aired, HBO placed an order for a second season of 1. January 2. 00. 9 for a summer premiere. Title sequenceeditTrue Bloods Emmy nominated title sequence is composed of portrayals of the shows Deep South setting, and runs to Bad Things by Jace Everett, although the original featurette was created around the Jennifer Herrema Royal Trux song Rad. Times. Xpress. 1. The makers of the title sequence wanted to explore themes of redemption and forgiveness. Conceptually, the sequence was constructed around the idea of the whore in the house of prayer1. Ideas of redemption and forgiveness are also explored, and thus the sequence progresses from morning to night and culminates in a baptism. The title sequence was created by the independent film company Digital Kitchen. The sequence also features images and themes of death and rebirth the circle of life. A Venus fly trap can be seen engulfing a frog, while a rotting foxs head is sped up to reveal maggots feeding off the corpse. Rebirth is also recognized through an image of a woman being washed clean from her sins in a lake, as well as a Reverend blessing and possibly performing an exorcism on a member of his congregation. Some of the footage used in the sequence was filmed on location. Digital Kitchen then took a four day trip to Louisiana to film as well as shot at a Chicago church, and on a stage and in a bar in Seattle. In editing the opening, individual frames were splattered with drops of blood. The sequences transitions were constructed differently, though they were made with a Polaroid transfer technique. The last frame of one shot and the first frame of another were taken as a single Polaroid photo, which was then divided between emulsion and backing. The emulsion was then filmed being further separated by chemicals, and those shots of this separation were placed back into the final edit. Eight different typefaces, inspired by Southern road signs, were also created manually for cast and crew credits, as well as the shows title card. In a 2. 01. 0 issue of TV Guide, the shows opening title sequence ranked 5 on a list of TVs top 1. Gary Calamar, who supervises the series music, said his goal for the shows soundtrack is to create something swampy, bluesy and spooky and to feature local Louisiana musicians. True Blood soundtrack albums have twice earned Grammy Award nominations. Composer Nathan Barr writes the original score for the series, which features the cello, guitar, prepared piano, and glass harmonica among other instruments, all of which he performs himself. The main theme song is Bad Things by country music artist Jace Everett, from his 2. ElektraAtlantic Records released a True Blood soundtrack on May 1. DVD and Blu ray of the first season. Nathan Barrs original score for True Blood was released on CD on the Varse Sarabande label on September 8, 2.