Top 1. 0 Unexplained Mysterious Disappearances in History. It is a fact that literally thousands of people disappear or go missing every year in this country alone some of these are likely well covered up homicides, but most are voluntaryeither teenage runaways or people who just want to start over againwith a few as yet undiscovered suicides thrown in for good measure. However, there are a few mysterious disappearances that remain inexplicable or have so captured the public imagination that they continue to intrigue us to this day. Here is my listing of the top ten most mysterious and unexplained disappearances over the years that continue to baffle investigators to this day. Harold Holt, 1. 96. Prime Minister Mysteriously Disappears. Its not every day that an active head of statein this case the Prime Minister of Australiagoes disappearing, but thats precisely what happened one Sunday morning in December of 1. Prime Minister went for a swim and was never seen again. Disappearances Full Movie In English' title='Disappearances Full Movie In English' />MTVs Scream television series enters season 3 as a soft reboot with a new showrunner and a new cast who have just been revealed. It is a fact that literally thousands of people disappear or go missing every year in this country alone some of these are likely wellcovered up homicide. Rogue One pretty much ruins the original trilogy in ways the first three movies wish they could. Of course, a massive hunt was undertaken, but despite one of the largest search and rescue operations ever mounted in Australia, his body was never found. There were many rumors surrounding Holts death and mysterious disappearance, including claims that he had committed suicide or faked his own death in order to run away with his mistress. His death even became the subject of numerous urban myths in Australia, including outlandish but persistent stories that he had been kidnapped by a Chinese submarine, or that he had been abducted by a UFO. Most likely, however, the 5. Prime Ministernot in the best of health at the time anywaywas simply swept away at a beach notorious for its strong and dangerous rip currents and the rest is, as they say, history. John Cabot, 1. 49. Mysterious Disappearance of Italian Explorer. Its not really that big a mystery what happened to famed Italian explorer, John Cabotthe second European to step foot on North America in 1. Europe to Asia. This was, after all, 1. Coast Guard and GPS was not yet around to help someone out of such situations. Still, it is unusual that nothing was heard again from at least one of the ships from the ill fated cruise, but such was the case with Mister Cabots fleet. In fact, considering that his ships were primitive wooden vessels that averaged less than 1. Raoul Wallenberg, 1. Hero Disappears Mysteriously. Never heard of Raoul Wallenberg Its not surprising, as few people outside of Sweden have heard of the courageous Swedish diplomat who was credited with saving the lives of at least 2. Hungarian Jews during the Holocaust ten times more than Oskar Schindler, by the way. Such, however, are the vagaries of fame. Arrested on espionage charges in Budapest following the arrival of the Soviet army, his subsequent fate remains a mystery despite hundreds of purported sightings in Soviet prisons, some as recent as the 1. In 2. 00. 1, after 1. Swedish Russian panel concluded that Wallenberg probably died most likely executed by the Russians in July of 1. In any case, he rightfully remains a genuine hero for his actions, however, especially in his home country of Sweden and to thousands of Jews around the world. Judge Joseph Force Crater, 1. Unexplained disappearance of a possibly corrupt judge. Though not well known today, at the time the disappearance of Judge Crateran associate justice for the Supreme Court for the State of New Yorkalong with his girlfriend Sally Lou Ritz, was quite a sensation that prompted one of the biggest manhunts of the 2. Some speculated the judge ran afoul of the mafia, which is not all that outlandish a prospect, considering that there were any number of judges during that era known to have connections with organized crime. Others, however, believe the judge and his mistress planned their own disappearance and probably skipped town with bags of loot in an effort to start a new life elsewherelike, say, Rio de Janeiro. In any case, whatever became of the good judge and his mistress has remained a well kept secret for eighty years and one that isnt likely to be solved anytime soon. One legacy he did leave behind, however, was that for many years the term pulling a Crater was used as slang for a person who mysteriously disappeared under suspicious circumstances. Charles Nungesser and Francois Coli, 1. Mysterious Disappearances of Two Aviators. Paris to New York Atlantic crossing. At one point, as many as a half dozen aviators were vying for the honor of being the first, but most dropped out due to mechanical or funding problems, leaving only a few genuine contenders. The second trailer for director Andrs Muschiettis IT arrives this Thursday, following its San Diego Comic Con 2017 premiere. Directed by Douglas Jackson. With Nicholle Tom, Gwynyth Walsh, Cameron Daddo, Kim Bubbs. A lonely woman sabotages any relationship that her daughter tries to maintain. What is happening to all these passengers who simply vanish while at sea, never to be seen again like Rebecca Coriam, pictured Are they the victims of a sinister. Of course, we know today that Charles Lindbergh was the one who eventually pulled it off, but it was a close call as just days before he made his flight, a well known French aviator named Charles Nungesser attempted to take the prize by flying from Paris to New York. Unfortunatelyor perhaps fortuitously from Lindberghs standpointthe man, along with his navigator, Franois Coli, disappeared somewhere over the Atlantic and were never heard from again. They are presumed to have crashed into the sea, of course, though some maintain they made it to Newfoundland or Maine and went down in the vast forests of those sparsely populated regions, though no wreckage that could be confirmed to be from their biplane, The White Bird, has ever been found. Glenn Miller, 1. 94. Famous Band Leader and Plan Mysteriously Disappear Without a Trace. When the popular American jazz musician and bandleader vanished enroute from England to France to play for troops in recently liberated Paris, few people knew about it at the time. This is because it happened the same day the Germans launched their last major offensive against the allies in what would be known as the Battle of the Bulge, pushing such news to the back page. What happened to the single engine Norseman he was riding in over the English Channel some 1. Christmas has never been explained, and no trace of Miller or the plane has ever been found. There is speculation a German fighter got it, or that the plane got hit by ordnance being dropped by British bombers on their way back from a canceled bombing mission. Bombers couldnt land with unexploded ordnance on board and had to jettison their bomb loadspreferably over the oceanbefore they could land. Whatever the case, Millers death was a huge loss to the American musical scene and one that it never quite recovered from. D. B. Cooper, 1. 97. In what has to be considered one of the most bizarre events in aviation and criminal history, a man calling himself D. B. Cooper skyjacked a Boeing 7. Washington State and, after collectinga ransom of 2. Of course, such a feat is made to order for conspiracy buffs, who came up with all sorts of scenariosnot to mention alleged suspectsabout who the mysterious man was and what became of him. The mystery appeared destined to remain unsolved, however, until a boy playing on the banks of the Columbia River in 1. Coopers ransom, suggesting that the man probably didnt survive the plunge after all. However, it was only a small part of the ransom about 5,0. Watch State Property Megavideo. Percy Fawcett, 1. When British archaeologist and explorer, Percy Fawcett, together with his eldest son, Jack, and friend Raleigh Rimmell, set out for the jungles of Brazil in search for a hidden city of gold, who could have imagined that something could possibly go wrong As was wont to happen when people set off on adventures of this nature, they were never heard from again and their fate remains unknown to this day. Several unconfirmed sightings and many conflicting reports and theories explaining their disappearance followed, but despite the loss of over 1. Fawcetts belongings, their fate remains a mystery. Disappearances Full Movie In English' title='Disappearances Full Movie In English' />Probably ended up as shrunken heads on some witch doctors coffee table, but who knows Sounds a little like an Indiana Jones movie to me. Jimmy Hoffa, 1. 97. The Not so mysterious Disappearance of a Teamster.