You Can Stream Thousands of Movies for Free With a New York Public Library Card. Starting Friday, anyone with a New York Public Library or Brooklyn Public Library will be able to stream thousands of awesome movies, including the entire Criterion Collection. Why Because libraries are awesome, thats why. Truth be told, New York is playing a bit of catch up, after Los Angeles offered its public library card holders streaming movie privileges last month. Both cities offer this great new perk through Kanopy, a streaming video service that works with public libraries and universities all over the country. Even if you dont live in New York or LA, theres a chance your local public library also offers this service. Go to Kanopys website to see if youre in luck. Were not talking about free access to a bunch crappy movies youve never heard of. In addition to the Criterion Collection, youll find indie hits like 2 Days in Paris, classic masterpieces like Day of the Dead, and award winning documentaries like I Am Not Your Negro. Were not talking about free access to a bunch crappy movies youve never heard of. In addition to the Criterion Collection, youll find indie hits like 2 Days. Homeland_403_1179.R/lead_large.jpg?1430152062' alt='Showtime Full The Sideways Light Online Free' title='Showtime Full The Sideways Light Online Free' />Showtime Full The Sideways Light Online FreeThe New York Public Library deal does have some limitations, though. You can only stream 1. NYPL card and just six if you have a BPL card. Its unclear if Brooklynites can double up and use both library cards to watch 1. On the bright side, you can stream movies from Kanopy to any device. Do you live in Los Angeles and pay for online access to the New York TimesL. A. Times entertainment news from Hollywood including event coverage, celebrity gossip and deals. View photo galleries, read TV and movie reviews and more. Have I got a cheapskate Read more Read. You can apply online for a New York Public Library card here and a Brooklyn Public Library card here. Information about LA Public Library cards can be found here. And dont forget Not only do these library cards offer free movies, you can borrow books for free, too. Free knowledgeGothamist. Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation MAAFSEPTEMBER 2. DEEJDirector Robert Rooy. Robert Rooy is a producer and director whose latest film, DEEJ, is the latest of a lengthy array of projects in which Rooy has created media that engages and educates people about important human issues. He has worked in more than twenty countries, profiling people and organizations involved in anti poverty, human rights and environmental struggles. Rooys credits include Farmer to Farmer Strategies For Sustainable Agriculture, in partnership with Rodale Institute The Social Entrepreneurship Series, a sixteen part collection profiling social innovators produced in collaboration with Ashoka Innovators for the Public and To Our Credit, a two part PBS series that was the first in depth examination of microcredit, an innovative anti poverty strategy, to air in the United States, among other projects. Formerly a first assistant director in the mainstream film industry, Rooy is a veteran of more than forty productions, including Diner, Fame, Lonesome Dove, Honeymoon in Vegas, Tombstone, Minority Report, and The West Wing, as well as several films created for Prudential Lines, a passenger ship company. Rooy received a BA from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan and earned his MFA from the Yale University School of Drama. Recently he received a Distinguished Alumnus Award from Calvin College, honoring his media work. He is currently a National Media. Maker Fellow with the Bay Area Video Coalition in San Francisco. OCTOBER 2. 01. 7Oil Water. Watch Connected Torent Free. Co Directors Francine Strickwerda and Laurel Spellman Smith. Francine Strickwerda is an award winning director, writer, and producer of independent documentary films for PBS and Showtime, and owner of Flock This Way Films. Her other film credits include the feature documentary, Busting Out, about the history and politics of Americas obsession with the female breast. Her new documentary, Spirit of the Game, in production is the story of an extraordinary school counselor who helps children and families heal through the sport of Ultimate Frisbee. An expert film fundraiser and grant writer, Strickwerda has been funded by the Mac. Arthur Foundation, Independent Television Service ITVS, Chicken Egg Pictures, the City of Seattle, and many others. She offers consulting services to other filmmakers on story and fundraising. She also runs Hullabaloo. Seattle production company that creates high end corporate and commercial videos and websites with Tracy Dethlefs, creative director and editor. She has created videos for clients including the United Nations, Fortune 5. Seattle Fire Department. Previously, she worked on feature documentaries at Seattles KCTS Public Television, produced and executive edited national PBS websites, and was a senior producer at Health. Talk. com. Strickwerda began her storytelling career as a newspaper reporter, and she has a degree in journalism from the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication at Washington State University. Laurel Spellman Smith is a two time regional Emmy Award winning producer of national and local programs for PBS including The News. Hour with Jim Lehrer and the documentary Faith Fear The Children of Krishna. She became an independent producer in 2. Oil Water, she co directed and produced the womens health documentary Busting Out which aired on Showtime and the Iraq War documentary The Corporals Diary, seen on PBS stations and Al Jazeera English. She is also a fan of other peoples films and is an annual juror for the News and Documentary Emmy Awards. Spellman Smith grew up in Los Angeles and Kauai before making a home in Seattle with her husband and cat. Spellman Smith graduated from The Evergreen State College, where she studied film and cultural anthropology, pursuing her interest in the latter by traveling to over 1. When not on the road or in the edit room, she manages a vacation rental house on a remote island in The Bahamas, and is a personal dresser, and President of the board at Dress for Success Seattle. NOVEMBER 2. 01. 7MindGame The Unquiet Journey of Chamique Holdsclaw. Director Richard Goldsmith. Rick Goldsmiths documentary films address important social issues, have been broadcast nationwide and internationally, and are used in high schools, colleges, universities, and by activist and community organizations in the U. S. and throughout the world. In addition to directing and producing MindGame The Unqiet Journey of Chamique Holdsclaw, Goldsmith co produced and co directed with Judith Ehrlich The Most Dangerous Man in America Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers, the story of a former war planner who risks life in prison by leaking 7,0. Pentagon report to The New York Times to help stop the Vietnam War. The film was an Academy Award nominee for Best Feature Documentary, an Emmy nominee, and winner of a George Foster Peabody award for its POV nationwide broadcast on PBS. Goldsmith is also producer, director, editor, and co writer of Tell the Truth and Run George Seldes and the American Press, also nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature and broadcastcablecast nationwide on public television, The Sundance Channel, and Free Speech TV. His films have screened theatrically in more than 1. He co produced, co directed with Abby Ginzberg, and edited the acclaimed Everyday Heroes, a behind the headlines look at Ameri. Corps and a provocative look at youth, race and national service. Goldsmith is a member of the Documentary Branch of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences AMPAS, the Writers Guild of America, West, and the International Documentary Association IDA. FEBRUARY 2. 01. 8Little Stones. Director Sophia Kruz Emmy Award winning documentary filmmaker Sophia Kruz has a passion for non fiction storytelling and using art to create social change. Her work has screened at film festivals, museums, libraries, community centers, and health care facilities nationwide, and broadcast on PBS. Formerly a producer in Detroit Public TVs National Documentary Unit, Kruz produced Ride the Tiger, an hour long documentary on neuroscience and bipolar disorder, and Beyond the Light Switch, Hour 3, for national PBS broadcast. She also produced and directed the Emmy Award winning documentary A Space for Music, A Seat for Everyone, which was broadcast on all Michigan PBS stations, and throughout Canada. She is also an accomplished public speaker, appearing at audience Q As at film festivals throughout North America, numerous keynote addresses to audiences at universities and to non profit community organizations, and as a speaker at the 2. TEDx. Uof. M conference. In 2. 01. 5, Kruz co founded the non profit organization Driftseed with Little Stones cinematographer Meena Singh and Washington D. C. based attorney Ankita Singh. The non profit seeks to empower women and girls in the U. S. and around the world through the art of documentary storytelling. Kruz was the recipient of the 2. University of Michigan Center for the Education of Women Visiting Social Activist fellowship, and her documentary work has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts, Womanity Foundation, Michigan Council for Arts Cultural Affairs, International Expressive Arts Therapy Association, Chace Foundation of the American Dance Therapy Association, and many others. She is an alumni of the University of Michigan department of Screen Arts and Cultures. MARCH 2. 01. 8Big Sonia. Director Leah Warshawski. Leah Warshawski produces documentary style features, television, commercials, and branded entertainment in remote parts of the world. Her first feature film, Finding Hillywood won six awards including the Critics Award Sebastopol Doc Festival and the Audience Award Napa Film Festival, and screened at more than 6. Warshawskis current documentary, Big Sonia, has already received international press and pitch forum invitations from IFP and Hot.