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Rin and his twin brother Yukio were raised by Father Fujimoto Shiro. Something of a delinquent but with a good heart, he turns out to be the son of Satan. After discovering this and the death of his foster father, Rin has made it his goal to be a powerful exorcist, one strong enough to beat Satan. Is nice enough to be considered a cosmic joke on behalf of his blood father. The Ace Eventually becomes a version of this for the Exwire group, with Konekomaru referring to him as their trump cardAccidental Misnaming He just cant get Amaimons name right. Achilles Heel It is suggested that Kurikara is this, as it contains his demon heart and demons are both stronger and more vulnerable with them out. Any damage to it could potentially kill him. Adaptation Dye Job In the manga his hair is pure black, the anime translated that color to dark blue. Adaptational Wimp Downplayed, but the anime shows Rin being injured and needing medical attention way more than in the manga. A good example is that in the anime, blocking Kuros charge with his head gave him a nosebleed. Not so in the manga. Adorkable Oh boy, where do you start. He is socially awkward, good natured, a bit of a goof, sweet natured. All of the Other Reindeer Rin grew up with zero friends because his inhuman strength would scare them off. He also was constantly harassed by bullies and called a demon. Almighty Janitor. In terms of overall combat he is a lot stronger than his fellow classmates. Watch Accidental Exorcist Full Movie' title='Watch Accidental Exorcist Full Movie' />Watch Accidental Exorcist Full MovieThis is extremely evident when fighting Amaimon while he easily curbstomped his allies, he had to put a little more effort defeating him. Made even more obvious when Rin fought Amaimon with his sword drawn, almost defeating the latter if the battle wasnt interrupted. Amaimon, one of the strongest demons in Gehenna that no exorcist will be able to defeat on their own. Expanded upon in episode 1. Amaimon, who was earlier shown to be casually defeating Shura and Angel a high class exorcist and the strongest exorcist in the order, respectively. This is, however, anime only and in fact Rin cant take on Amaimon at full power in the manga. Though he wont die from that unlike most. Animal Motifs Acts a lot like a great big black cat. Kato has drawn him as a tiger person at least once. Annoying Younger Sibling Inverted since hes the older brother, but hes definitely this for Yukio. Its played for drama since this makes Yukio look down on Rin as much as up and makes it hard for Rin to be taken seriously by Yukio and even others. Anti Anti Christ Hes the son of Satan but hes a Nice Guy who wants to kick his fathers ass. Anti Hero The Disney variety due to his low social skills and at times jerky actions. Badass Adorable Considering his Adorkable status and often clueless and honest actions that contradict his Son of Satan status he also falls under this. Berserk Button. Dont bad mouth his brother. Making Rin recall his foster fathers Heroic Sacrifice isnt a good idea. When hes first introduced, hes beating up a gang of delinquents for torturing a flock of pigeons. His immediate move from casual to violent suggests that hurting animals might be another Berserk Button of his. His reaction to Gedouin makes it very clear dont be monstrous to others or harm anyone with him around. Watch The Lost Online IMDB. And definitely dont brag about it. Hell screw his demons only policy and roast you. Watch Grease Online on this page. Berserk Mode If he stays in his demonic state too long, hell become more or less a vessel of violence and not much else. However, this is suggested to be a sign of how inexperienced and scared he is in regard to his demonic heritage. In fact, once he gets over his issues with being who he is, Rin has no trouble staying in his demon form for ridiculous amounts of time. Betty and Veronica. The rebellious and troublesome Veronica to Yukios more reliable and gentlemanly Betty for Shiemis Archie. The roles kind of get switched later on Rin matures and becomes more of a Nice Guy, while Yukio shows more of his repressed dark side. Tonight is the twopart finale of Twin Peaks The Return, the beginning of the end of a promise that began with the words of Laura Palmer over two decades ago I. Not to mention the Archie between Tsundere Izumos Veronica and Girl Next Door Shiemis Betty. Beware the Nice Ones A genuinely nice guy who tries so hard to have friends and honestly does care for others. Just dont piss off the guy with Hell Fire, Super Strength, and is the resident Anti Anti Christ. Big Brother Instinct As a child, he was very protective of Yukio and would chase off people that would bully him. As they got older, Rin stopped looking after Yukio as much since he can now take care of himself, but Rin is still very protective of his younger brother. Q1FS3fqqCpp6.jpg' alt='Watch Accidental Exorcist Full Movie' title='Watch Accidental Exorcist Full Movie' />An heiress as a killer god, the most wellknown demon in history as one of the good guys. Supernatural cameos are as bizarre as the show itself. I would never hurt my younger brother. The Big Guy Since he is the strongest of the group with little else to offer Konekomaru recommends that he acts as a backup version of this. Book Dumb Especially when compared to Yukio, since while Yukio is a Teen Genius Rin is a former junior high school drop out. However, its downplayed compared to other shounen heroes to a more realistic level. ZjLvteiL._SL1500_.jpg' alt='Watch Accidental Exorcist Full Movie' title='Watch Accidental Exorcist Full Movie' />Hes just not good with bookwork, but hes honestly quite smart outside of it and hes been improving slowly as a later chapter reveals going from only getting 2 on a test to be fair was tossed into both normal school and exorcist school at the last minute to getting 6. For clarification, 3. Watch The Encounter: Paradise Lost Online Etonline. Japan he got 8 over twice that. Brutal Honesty At times, since he hasnt had much experience interacting with others due to negative past experiences. Bully Hunter Heavily implied as the audience first sees him beating up a bunch of guys for killingtorturing pigeons, he always used to protect Yukio and even have a few flashbacks that show he mostly got into fights this way. Arguably influenced his decision to become an Exorcist hostile demons can count as really big bullies since they target humans. Calling the Old Man Out He wants to kill daddy Satan. L7A32M8W1nLsZh5J7bCCe89Pu.jpg' alt='Watch Accidental Exorcist Full Movie' title='Watch Accidental Exorcist Full Movie' />Cant Hold His Liquor As shown when Shura accidentally mixes up their drinks. Character Development Already in practice. He started out much angrier and discontented than he is now. Although still insecure, he seems to be happier and a bit more easygoing. Though it is possible at least some of this is faked. Rin was initially just as disgusted by his relation to Satan as everyone else and he tried his hardest to not be associated with his demonic heritage. But, he comes to understand that he must accept the fact that Satan is his father if he wants to truly becomes stronger. Child of Two Worlds Rins half breed status particularly his fathers blood drives a good chunk of the plot and Rin often wonders where he fits. Ucchusama even lampshades this by wondering if Rin is a human or a demon. Cloud Cuckoo Lander At times has strange behavior thanks to his No Social Skills. Cool Sword His sword acts as both his Demon Heart and was a prized possession of Suguros temple beforehand. It is also a Flaming Sword as a side effect of containing Rins blue flames. Cover Blowing Superpower In the beginning, few knew his heritage. He blows it in chapter 1. Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass Rin might not be the greatest at book work and often fumbles his words, but hes still the Son of Satan. His cheery attitude often hides someone whos very introspective and observant as well. Cry Cute Whenever Rin loses his smile and hits his lowest, his crying is utterly heartbreaking. Especially during the Heroic B. S. O. D. situation described below.